Trail Building & Maintenance
The Sea to Sky region has a proud history of mountain bike trail building. Squamish has consistently stood out as a community surrounded by vast and varied mountain terrain ideally suited to mountain biking. It is also home to an exceptionally committed and talented group of volunteer and professional trail builders. As well as building, SORCA Trail Crew and volunteers work tirelessly to maintain Squamish’s expansive trail network. While the big projects and new trails receive lots of recognition, SORCA puts the majority of its energy into yearly maintenance to keep our already world-class trail system running.
Building a trail as a volunteer is truly a labour of love. As the permit holder, you have taken on a major commitment. The average hand-built trail takes 1 to 3 years to build, so be patient. Trail building is one of the most gratifying, self-fulfilling hobbies you can have. You’ll learn a lot about yourself and the woods you’re working in. It’s also tons of fun, so make sure to get your friends involved. You’ll be surprised how many get hooked!
We can help you with the project through our Volunteer Trail Maintenance & Builder Support Policy
We can also help organize volunteer trail days to get some extra people on board. Many hands make quick work.
The trails approval process helps avoid disputes and broker compromises between trail users (hikers, dirt bikers), government, logging industry, and the community at large. It also serves to protect fragile local ecosystems and riparian areas. To ensure that everyone can keep building and using trails long-term, we ask that our trail builders work within the process.
Take a look through these materials: